Help Center

A collection of frequently asked questions
  • How do I activate BeadTool on my new computer?

    Software Activation

    If you still have the original email that you received after purchasing a license, just download the software from the website again and follow the instructions detailed in that email.

    If you no longer have the original email and you still use the same email address, you can retrieve your password by visiting the password page.

    If you have changed your email address, please contact support so we can get it sorted.

    NOTE: You must disable your VPN or Proxy connection before activating!

  • I've activated the software but it still won't let me print or save. Why?

    BeadTool won't save or print an empty pattern.

    As soon as you put at least one bead into your pattern the Save & Preview buttons will become enabled in the toolbar.

  • How do I register the software?

    Software Registration

    In order to register the software you must purchase a license. Once a license is purchased, you will be sent an email with your registration information and instructions on how to activate the software on your computer(s).

    If you have already purchased a license and you haven't received your registration information, please check your Spam, Junk, or Bulk folder.

    To purchase a license, please visit the Purchase page.

  • What happens if I lose my registration email or password?

    You can always retrieve your registration information by visiting the password page.

    If you no longer have access to the email account you originally registered with, please contact support.

  • Why does it keep telling me that my password is incorrect?

    Brace yourself! The sole reason for seeing this message is because you've simply entered the wrong password. Remember that passwords are case-sensitive. passwordXYZ is not the same as PasswordXYZ.

    Also, some letters may look the same as others depending on the font. For instance: I (eye) could look like a 1 (the number one) or l (a lowercase L).

  • Why is the Registration menu item disabled?

    The Help->Registration menu item becomes disabled after the software has been activated. The Save and Print toolbar buttons will not become enabled until you have something to save or print. So start designing your pattern, already!

  • What if I bought a license for my Windows computer and I buy a Mac?

    Platform-agnostic Licenses

    BeadTool licenses are not locked into any specific operating system. So if you purchased a license while you owned a Mac and traded it in for a Windows PC or owned a Windows PC and traded it in for a Mac it makes no difference.

    The license agreement states that the purchaser is entitled to install and activate BeadTool on up to 2 computers per purchase. Licenses are intended to be used by the original purchaser with the exception of a gift purchase.

  • What happens if my computer crashes and I lose everything?

    These things happen from time to time. If something happens to your computer and the result is that you no longer have BeadTool installed when it's repaired or replaced, just send me a message telling me what happened. I'll be glad to reset your account on a case-by-case basis.

    Please be aware that computer problems should be a rare occasion. Excessive "computer problems" could eventually be considered suspicious and may lead to a refusal to reset your account.

  • Why can't I find Help->Registration?

    Perhaps you're looking at the BeadTool website; not the BeadTool software? Run the BeadTool software and click Help->Registration on the program's main menu.

    Tip for Mac users:
    For those who are new to Mac computers, the menu bar on macOS is always located at the top of the screen. On Microsoft Windows, the menu bar is always located at the top of the program's window.

  • Why am I getting a message that says Connection failed?

    Connection Failed

    There are a couple of reasons you may see this message when trying to activate BeadTool.

    Your Firewall

    You will see this message if the firewall on your computer is prohibiting BeadTool from accessing the internet.

    When an application requests access to the internet, your firewall will show a popup asking permission. It's important that you allow this action during activation. If you don't, you will need to go into your firewall settings and create a rule. Creating a firewall rule is different for every firewall software so it's hard to give instructions on how to do it for your specific firewall.

    Your VPN or Proxy

    VPN and proxy services are always used by wanna-be hackers and criminals to hide their true location and ISP while doing illegal things. The BeadTool server frequently bans IP addresses that misbehave when accessing the website. You may be using an IP that another person used previously. So if you are seeing the message "Connection failed", try turning off your VPN or Proxy connection.

  • I received a gift code but how do I use it?

    Gift Code Redemption

    If you have received a gift code, please follow the steps below

    1. Visit the gift code redemption page
    2. Enter the gift code and your personal information on that page

    After you fill out the information and click the Redeem Gift button, you will receive an email with your registration details and instructions on how to activate the software on your computer.

    Note: If you do not receive the email in a reasonable amount of time, please check your Spam/Junk folder.

    note: You only use a gift code once. The gift code is only used to create your account. Once that is done, the gift code is no longer valid.